Beaten Rice (Poha) Cereal Bowl

This is one of my favourite breakfast cereals.  I usually avoid the commercially available cereal that is heavily flavoured and sweetened.   The recipe I am about to share is filling and keeps your hunger appeased for a long time. This recipe is also vegan friendly.  However if you are diabetic I would advise caution as this is a rice based dish.  If you are diabetic I would recommend eating not more than 3/4 of a cup of this prepared dish.


Coconut oil - 2 tbsp
Mustard seeds - 1 tbsp
Lentils - 2 tbsp (this is optional)
Peanuts - 1/4 cup
Onion - 1 medium or large or 2 small finely chopped
Green chillies - 5 chopped (if they are too hot reduce the amount of chillies)
Beaten rice - 2 cups
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt - to taste

Take 2 cups of beaten rice in a large bowl

Pour tap water into the bowl until all the flakes are submerged.

As soon as the flakes are submerged in water, drain all the water using a filter.

Set aside the moist beaten rice.

Now gather all of the other ingredients. Chop the onions and green chillies finely.

Heat a wok or any pot and add coconut oil. After the oil heats up add mustard seeds and lentils (if you are adding it).  Add peanuts. Fry for a minute or so. Make sure you don't burn the ingredients. Stir fry until the ingredients turn slightly brown. Add chopped onions and chillies.

After the onions turn slightly soft. This should take about 3 minutes or so.  Add the moist beaten rice, turmeric and salt.

Mix well and turn off the stove.

Serve the prepared beaten rice in bowls.  This should make enough quantity for two.
